Externally accessing services

If you would instead like to connect to your database, or some other service, from your host using a GUI client like SequelPro, instead of via the Lando CLI you can run lando info and use the external_connection information and any relevant creds for the service you want to connect to.

Here is example connection info for a multi-endpoint mariadb service called db below:

lando info --service db --format default

  { service: 'db',
    urls: [],
    type: 'platformsh-mariadb',
    healthy: true,
     [ { internal_hostname: 'database2.internal',
         password: '3ac01938c66f0ce06304a6357da17c34',
         path: 'main',
         port: 3306,
         user: 'admin' },
       { internal_hostname: 'reports.internal',
         password: 'd0c99f580a0d646d62904568573f5012',
         port: 3306,
         user: 'reporter' },
       { internal_hostname: 'imports.internal',
         password: 'a6bf5826a81f7e9a3fa42baa790207ef',
         path: 'legacy',
         port: 3306,
         user: 'importer' } ],
    internal_connection: { host: 'db', port: '3306' },
    external_connection: { host: '', port: '32915' },
    config: {},
    version: '10.4',
    meUser: 'app',
    hasCerts: false,
    hostnames: [ 'db.landod8.internal' ] },

Note that you must have a relationship from your app to a given service in order for it to have credentials.

Also note that this is slightly different than the normal output from lando info because platformsh services work slightly different. While you can use the internal_connection:host and internal_connection:port for internal connections we recommend you use the host and port indicated for the relevant cred you want to connect to instead.

So if you wanted to connect to the main db you would use the following depending on whether you are connecting externally or internally:

external creds

port: 32915
user: admin
password: 3ac01938c66f0ce06304a6357da17c34
database: main

internal creds

host: database2.internal
port: 3306
user: admin
password: 3ac01938c66f0ce06304a6357da17c34
database: main

Of course, it is always preferrable to just use PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS for all your internal connections anyway.