Platform.shopen in new window is the end-to-end web platform for agile teams. With it you can build, evolve, and scale your website fleet—with zero infrastructure management investment. Get hosting, CI/CD, automated updates, global 24x7 support. And much more.

This Lando integration is currently in development and as such it has the following serious caveats:

  • This should be considered at an beta level of readiness
  • This has only been tested against's php project templates
  • This currently only supports's php application container
  • It's not yet clear how much customization to your project is currently supported

However, if you'd like to try it out and give your feedback on what worked and what didn't then please continue. You can also read about some more caveats here.

You can report any issues or feedback over hereopen in new window or check out the support page.